Avid Hotel Franchise Disclosure Document


The Avid Hotel Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) provides a detailed overview of establishing and operating an Avid Hotel, part of the Holiday Hospitality Franchising, LLC. This document covers essential aspects, including financial commitments, franchisor and franchisee obligations, and compliance details, helping you make an informed decision.

Invest in Modern Hospitality with Avid Hotel FDD

The Avid Hotel Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) provides a detailed overview of establishing and operating an Avid Hotel, part of the Holiday Hospitality Franchising, LLC. This document covers essential aspects, including financial commitments, franchisor and franchisee obligations, and compliance details, helping you make an informed decision.

Quick Access for Efficient Evaluation

Available directly through our website, this FDD enables swift comparison with other franchise opportunities, streamlining your evaluation process without the need for lengthy sales interactions.

Key Financial Information

Starting an Avid Hotel requires an initial investment ranging from $9,643,350 to $14,544,310, excluding land costs. This investment includes the franchise fee, construction, furnishings, and other startup expenses.

Regulatory Compliance and Updates

Issued on March 27, 2023, and amended on April 28, 2023, this FDD complies with Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulations. It ensures all disclosures are accurate and up-to-date, providing a clear understanding of your legal and financial obligations.

Interesting Fact

Did you know Avid Hotels focus on delivering a consistently high-quality experience with features like sound sleep, a high-quality breakfast, and a modern, inviting lobby designed for the everyday traveler?

Explore the Avid Hotel FDD to gain a comprehensive understanding of this contemporary hotel franchise and make an informed investment decision.


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